Free email reminder for android, that’s right!
I usually spend a great portion of my day in front of a computer screen in my office and there were so many times when I forgot my phone at home and missed so many important reminders just because of it.
That’s why I created this email reminder for android. The idea is to set a reminder and receive it directly in your inbox when the time comes. This way you will receive an email notification on your device, but you will also get a notification on any other device connected to the same email account.
I am aware that this application will not be the perfect solution for everyone, but I’m positive that people like me, who tend to forget things(even their devices at home) and spend a reasonable amount of time in front of a PC will probably appreciate it.
There is nothing complicated in this application. I made it with simplicity in mind, using a small number of screens and buttons. The only extra that you might not need is the ability to modify the application color theme but, hey, who doesn’t like to play with some colors and customize the application’s appearance?
In general lines you simply set a reminder, save it and forget about it.
Free email reminder for android – phone screenshots:

The application also scales well and looks good on bigger screens.
Currently, the application is available only for android devices, although it is cross-platform and can be compiled for IOS in the future.
As always, we welcome your comments, suggestions, and/or bug reports here in the comments section or via our contact form.
We can not guarantee a 100% delivery rate, as we rely on many external services such as SMTP availability and server overloads.
Having in mind the email’s nature, there might be a slight delay in the reminders – usually 1-2 minutes.